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Fine Line Tattoo clients should avoid alcohol, caffeine, or any blood thinning medications within 24 hours of your appointment & stay hydrated!

The remainder of this pre-care information is for Permanent Makeup Clients only.

What you do both before and after your cosmetic tattoo service is equally important to ensure the best experience and results possible! Please read through the information below.


Unfortunately, not everyone is a good candidate for cosmetic tattooing. You cannot receive any cosmetic tattoo service if you are:

  • Pregnant/breastfeeding

  • Currently using Accutane or have used within the last year

  • Using any blood thinning medications or antibiotics (must be off antibiotics for a full 2 weeks before your appointment)

  • Prone to keloids

  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, or irritation in the area to be tattooed

  • Diagnosed with epilepsy or have seizures

If none of the above apply, continue reading for how you can best prepare for your service.

  • Discontinue any anti-aging products (includes but is not limited to Retinol, Retin-A products) for at least 2 weeks before appointment

  • Do not get any Botox, filler, chemical peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, or anything similar for at least 2 weeks before appointment

  • NO blood thinning medications 48 hours before appointment. This includes but is not limited to ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, vitamin E, diet pills. *If you need to take a pain reliever, Tylenol or acetaminophen is okay*

  • NO alcohol 24 hours before appointment 

  • NO caffeine 12 hours before appointment

  • NO exercise the day of your appointment

  • If you have a history of being prone to cold sores, it is highly recommended that you take the proper anti viral medications 4-7 days prior to your lip blush appointment to prevent an outbreak.

If you arrive for your appointment and have a condition above or have not followed the before care, you will be rescheduled and charged as a same day cancellation.


After Your Appointment

Immediately after your appointment, please follow the provided aftercare and note the following:

  • No anti-aging products for 2 weeks after appointment (includes but is not limited to Retinol, Retin-A products)

  • No Botox, filler, chemical peels, microneedling, microdermabrasion, or anything similar for 2 weeks after appointment



There is always a risk of infection for any type of cosmetic tattoo.  If you experience any of the following, stop the aftercare and consult a doctor immediately:

  • Rash/red lesions by the tattooed area

  • Swelling of the tattooed area

  • Pus coming from the tattooed area

  • Hard, raised tissue

  • Fever

  • Abnormal shivering


Before & After care: About
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